Saturday, September 27, 2008

Literally, I'm Lame

So I keep reading this post about 100 Books. I saw it this morning on Us and Them and this afternoon on Blissfully Caffeinated.

I looked over the list, and I'm quite lame in the literary world. Apparently that was the goal of this list - to point out great books I probably should have read in high school and college. And, it's estimated that most adults have only read 6, so I guess I'm only slightly less lame than most adults.


Captain Dumbass said...

Don't worry about it. The problem with lists like these are that they are other peoples opinions of what you should read and who's to say they're right? There were quiet a few books on there that I think could have been replaced by better stories by the same authors. It's like wine, what tastes good to me might taste like vinegar to you.

steenky bee said...

You are SO not lame. Captain Dumbass hasn't read Charolette's web. That's lame. Unless, that is, you haven't read it either. In that case, Charolette's Web is so the lame one.

Anonymous said...

Ditto the Captain.

Mary Anna said...

Thank goodness I've read "Charlotte's Web," then. I never knew it would come in handy one day!

Ashley said...

I'm really in trouble then....I've never read Charlotte's Web and actually have no desire to.....

HeatherPride said...

I can't even remember whether I've read Charlotte's Web!!! (actually I bet I surely did NOT read it. I am still mad that the movie (old version) made me cry!!)

steenky bee said...

Um, still not lame.